Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Changing Seasons

If you live in temperate zones, you must have experienced changing seasons: Winter, Spring, Fall (Autumn) and Summer. Most people love summer I am sure. You hear talks on summer holidays and all that. Man has found a way of enduring winter - through sports. For non-sports lovers, winter is a period that is dreaded. Some people, including birds, move down to warmer regions in the southern hemisphere when it is winter in the northern hemisphere. Some other animals are known to hibernate during these coldperiods. 

What has this all got to do with the law of attraction? During winter, the fields are normally left unattended by farmers. No one sows during these periods. It does not mean that there are no seeds in the soil, but these seeds do not grow or show any activity or evidence of growth. Spring time is that period where grass begin to sprout and also flowers. In life, we have seasons too. There are times we just are unable to really manifest anything tangible.

The teachers of the secret will not tell you this. Instead, they make you believe that if you are not manifesting what you want, then you might be doing something wrong or you might need to get their complete package which would normally include some kind of subliminals or practices they claim some ancient cultures have been using and all those gimmicks used in luring you o part with your money. At the end, you would be involved in practices not normal among civilised groups. In short you would be involved in stuff close to voodoo or hawaian huna that never really liberated the ancient people roups that practiced them. The Bible would call some of these practices witchcraft.

Nothing works more than being in a meditative state of prayer. I can't here give you how-tos of getting into the meditative state of prayer, but I assure that everybody has different situation that truly puts you into that state. That is the point where you truly connect with your spiritual state. Becareful with following some ancient practices that was never liberating for the ancient adherents of its codes. You need to get close to your spiritual source through prayer and meditation on scriptures. I have got to a state before where merely thinking of a hing brings it to past in my life. I am not saying that it happens always (like the so-called teachers would make you believe), but it happens all the same. I still have winter moments.

I sometimes begin to see seeds I never planted or probably planted unconsciously growing in my life. Yes, some seeds you never planted could begin to manifest in your life. Happens all the time. This to me is the reason innocent children get killed through wars and famines. I am sure the teachers never told you this, but it is true. We need to find a way of uprooting these seeds. If we can't then we'd have to live with them. Sometimes we are predestined by God to experience the fruits of unwanted seeds planted by others. If we had a good relationship with Him, we'd know those needed in our lives to develop us and those that we can uproot. Sometimes the process of uprooting them could be a period of development for us.

I will keep you posted on more posts on this topic. Feel free to post your comments and I will surely answer them.

Ricky Macharm has a great free resource blog, http://law-of-attraction-for-christians.blogspot.com/containing different articles. Visit today.

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